This video has been prepared by the PRACTICE partner Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN), Portugal, which contributes with the Castro Verde field site to the PRACTICE Platform of LTEMs. The video includes a brief introduction of the PRACTICE project followed by the description of the actions to combat desertification applied in Castro Verde, and preliminary results on the implementation of the IApro.
Particularly, the video shows a wide range of scenes corresponding to a demonstration exercise of the last participatory steps of IApro during the Participatory Assessment & Knowledge Transfer Workshop on 24th-26th May 2011. The participatory steps demonstrated were Step 5 “Integration of the SHs perspectives and assessment data”, and Step 6: “Collective integrated assessment”. The demonstration was done with a group of 6 stakeholders (SHs) of the site who had already performed the previous steps of IApro and thus, the baseline evaluation of the actions. This group was selected to be representative of the SHs platform of the site and was formed by 1 farmer, 1 member of a local association, 1 local politician, and 2 technicians. The workshop included a field visit aimed to facilitate the learning process trough discussion and knowledge exchange between the workshop participants. Further details on this demonstration exercise can be consulted in Deliverable D3.2 Participatory assessment report 1.