This video has been prepared by the PRACTICE partner Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN). The video was finalized after the last meeting with stakeholders and describes the participatory process using photos and videos obtained by the team during stakeholders meetings. The videos produced for the Castro Verde site in the framework of PRACTICE will also be available in the LPN website (
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2012, November 5 - 01:00CASTRO VERDE site, Portugal
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2012, October 9 - 00:00English.
This video has been prepared by the PRACTICE partner Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN). It describes the environmental characteristics of the Castro Verde LTEM site (climate, land use, plant and animal biodiversity, soils, etc...), the main causes and impacts of land degradation, and a detailed description of the actions to fight desertification that have been evaluated with PRACTICE IAPro.
Este vídeo foi preparado pela Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN), parceiro do projeto PRACTICE. Nele descrevem-se as características ambientais do local LTEM de Castro Verde (clima, uso do solo, biodiversidade, solos, etc...), as principais causas e os impactos da degradação do solo, e uma descrição detalhada das ações de combate à desertificação, que foram avaliadas com IAPro do projeto PRACTICE.