This video has been prepared by the PRACTICE partner Universidad de Alicante (UA), Spain, which contributes with the Agost and Albatera field sites (Alicante, Spain) to the PRACTICE Network of LTEMs. The video is 5 minutes long and summarizes the participatory process in PRACTICE, using examples...
This slideshow has been prepared by the PRACTICE partner Fundación CEAM, Spain, which contributes with the Ayora field site to the PRACTICE Network of LTEMs. It includes images and results from the implementation of all Steps of PRACTICE protocol (IAPro) in Ayora. ... |
This video has been prepared by the PRACTICE partner Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN). The video was finalized after the last meeting with stakeholders and describes the participatory process using photos and videos obtained by the team during stakeholders meetings. The... |