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Practice members re-united again at the 4th International Conference on Drylands, Deserts and Desertification (DDD).
Submitted by DimChouv on 2012, November 23 - 12:42Four of our practice partners (Dimitris Chouvardas - Greece, Claudio Zucca - Italy, Klaus Kellner - South Africa and Daniel Eli Orenstein – Israel) re-united again at the 4th International Conference on Drylands, Deserts and Desertification (DDD) held at the Sede Boqer campus of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel (November 12-15, 2012). During the conference Claudio and Klaus presented the methodology and main results from practice project.
Conference website:
4th plenary coordination meeting in South Africa
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2012, February 10 - 00:00Fourth Plenary Coordination Meeting and Second Participatory Assessment & Knowledge Transfer Workshop
Askham, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
3 - 9 June 2012
More than 40 researchers and stakeholders representing 16 partner organizations from 12 dryland nations from around the world will converge on what is known as the Mier site in the Kalahari Desert, near Askham, South Africa as part of The Prevention and Restoration Actions to Combat Desertification –An Integrated Assessment (PRACTICE) initiative. The development of the integrated, participatory evaluation protocol (IAPro) is in its final phase. Partners will present their research results to date, fine-tune the final steps of the protocol, and coordinate future efforts.
The meeting and workshop are being hosted by Prof Klaus Kellner of the School of Environmental Sciences and Development of North West University (Potchefstroom campus).
Presentations of papers from the European project PRACTICE in the 9th European Dry Grassland Meeting in Prespa, Greece, May 2012
Submitted by DimChouv on 2012, February 8 - 13:42Vasilios Papanastasis, Dimitrios Chouvardas, Konstantinos Mantzanas and Maria Papadimitriou will present three papers derived from results of the European project PRACTICE carried out in Lagadas LTEM site, in the 9th European Dry Grassland Meeting in Prespa, Greece from 19 to 23 May 2012.
PRACTICE presentation at CSFD Montpellier, June 2011.
Submitted by drupaladmin on 2011, June 1 - 00:00Leopoldo Rojo will present PRACTICE on 29-30 Juny 2011 at the Séminare: Politiques, programmes et projets de lutte contre la désertification: Quelles evaluations? at the Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification (CSFD), Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen Montpellier (France). More information at
3rd plenary coordination meeting in Portugal
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2011, May 15 - 00:00The third plenary coordination meeting was held on 27th May 2011 at Castro Verde, Portugal.
PRACTICE presentation 6th congress of ESSC Thessaloniki, 9th May 2011
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2011, May 1 - 00:00Dr. Claudio Zucca will present PRACTICE at the 6th International congress of ESSC in Thessaloniki on 9th May 2011.
Participatory assessment & knowledge transfer workshop
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2011, May 1 - 00:00The first Participatory assessment and knowledge transfer workshop was held on 24th-27th Mayo 2011 at Castro Verde, Portugal.
PRACTICE Side Event, February 2011, Bonn
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2011, February 1 - 01:00A PRACTICE Side Event will be presented during the UNCCD CRIC-9 in Bonn, on February 22nd 2011, at 18h, in Saal A Meeting Room in the Ministry of Cooperation (BMZ).
PRACTICE presentation in Idanha-a-Nova, January 2011
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2011, January 1 - 01:00Leopoldo Rojo will present the PRACTICE project in the Seminário Ibérico “Combate à Desertificacao, Abandono Rural e Despovoamente-Intervençoes Raianas” in Idanha-a-Nova (Portugal) on 20-21 January 2011.
Workshop on Assessment Methods for Actions to Combat Desertification
Submitted by Ceam (not verified) on 2010, October 1 - 00:00The Workshop on Assessment Methods for Prevention and Restoration Actions to Combat Desertification was held on 4th-5th October 2010 in Sardinia, Italy, joint with the 2nd plenary coordination meeting.