
Main ecosystem type: 

Kalahari Plains Thorn Bushveld, characterised by a well-developed tree stratum, a moderately developed shrub layer with a grass cover

Main land use: 

extensive livestock and wildlife farming (beef-cattle, sheep, goats, game, pigs, horses mules and donkeys ranching) is prevalent, conservation

Main degradation driver: 

soil degradation and erosion due to overgrazing and trampling near water points; high concentrations of the livestock

Restoration actions applied: 

restoration treatments of the land user; active: eradication of invader woody and alien plant species, sowing of seed of perennial herbaceous species into natural rangelands (without cultivation) and establishment of planted pastures (herbaceous and other species); passive: implementation of a rotational grazing system; identification of degradation gradients and using benchmark sites/ fencing; control of the herd size; involve farmers in training and education


local authorities; Molopo local municipality and Kagisano local municipality, local agricultural extension officers; North West Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, Molopo Nature Reserve office. Mier Council and local farmer’s unions in the Mier district of the Northern Cape Province

Factsheet_Molopo_site_SouthAfrica_setswana.pdf3.49 MB